Internet Car Clubs
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This is the Club Page for the
DFW Mustangs Car Club of Dallas TX
on the Internet Car Clubs web site.

The official website for this club can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
DFW Mustangs Car Club


Club officers can register to update this page. Have them contact for instructions.
Once your club's page is activated, the following features will be available:

Public Users will see:
- A listing of all club events so they can attend and possibly join the club.
- Read the club Forum (but not post any messages).

Club Members will be able to:
- Post new messages to the club Forum.
- Register to attend events.

Club Officers will be able to:
- Create new event notices and edit old notices.
- Maintain club membership information.

Club officers can register to update this page. This is a FREE service provided by Internet Car Clubs. Have them contact for instructions.
Once your club's page is activated, the following features will be available:

Public Users will be able to:

- See a listing of all club events so they can attend and possibly join the club. (As more clubs start using this site to update their events, it makes it possible for people visiting from out of your area or even the state to see what is going on as they travel through. It is a lot of fun to have visitors or to drop in on another club for a local event!)
- Sign up for email updates about club events.
- Read the club Forum (but not post any messages).
- View the club's Planning Calendar of upcoming events.
- View a listing of vendors that club members have determined do good work in the local area.
- Request to join the club.
- A link to make sending email to the club easy to help people contact your club that want more information.
- A link to the club's primary web site so members can easily view that web page and also to help with Internet Search Engine Optimization so people searching for local clubs can more easily find you.
- See offers from supporting car dealers such as service coupons or new car specials.

Club Members, in addition, will be able to:

- Create new discussion Topics or post new comments about prior Topics in the club Forum.
- View the Club Member Only pages where contact information about club members is available. This area also features a listing of the club officers along with their contact information, a section for suggesting club rides or activities that people would like to see happen in the future and also a section for anyone to send out an announcement for a Pop-Up ride, if they decide to go somewhere fun some day and want to offer to other members to come along.
- Receive email or text message notification of upcoming events.
- Register to attend events.
- View the list of who has registered to attend events.
- Participate in Message Wall postings during events. (This is particularly useful during multiday out of town events for keeping everyone notified and up to date.)
- Add to the list of vendors that have done good work on their cars, or post comments about the vendors.

Club Officers, in addition, will be able to:

- Create new event notices and edit old notices.
- View information about who will attend events and send email updates to people who register for events.
- Maintain club membership information and Send email updates to members.
- Print a Sign-in Sheet of the club membership for using at meetings.
- Keep track of club dues payments and send email reminders to members who have not yet paid dues.
- Approve or Reject requests for membership.
- Assign and remove members to Club Officer status.
- View lists of current birthdays and club membership anniversary for announcing at meetings.
- Modify the club home page information to post information about upcoming meeting announcements and to update the club motto/general statement.

Scheduled Events: There are no events scheduled at this time.                                  

All Our Car Clubs
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